Do you ever feel like maybe we leaders take ourselves too seriously?

If you find yourself wound up about a missed detail and yelling at one of your employees because of it, you need to hear from Steve Cody about the importance of humor. He is the CEO and Founder of Peppercomm where humor is a core value of his highly successful and recognized strategic communications firm. He is also co-authoring a book called the ROI of LOL due out this year.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why it’s so important in today’s negative environment to inject humor into your corporate culture
  • How humour and his skills as a stand-up comedienne have transformed Steve’s company and him personally and professionally
  • Why it’s especially important for leaders to not take themselves too seriously and the impact it has on employees
  • How turnover can be reduced by admitting your mistakes and being realistic with your team
  • Much more!