Fast Track Management Training Program

Professional development for Managers

Increase employee engagement, grow profits, and build a better company

The Fast Track Management Training Program is for Manager’s with direct reports.

In Fast Track, managers learn to build and lead teams with confidence. Participants acquire essential knowledge and skills needed to bring out the best in their employees, including:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Confidence management
  • Holding dignified conversations
  • Articulating goals and providing guidance
  • Hiring and retaining great people
  • Proven ways to increase employee engagement

Great managers make great organizations

Management training is a key HR strategy at successful companies; just see this list of 10 reasons why.

Students in the Fast Track Management Training Program will benefit from the small class size, instructors with real-world experience, field work to complete in between classes, and more.

 (1 seat left!) Cohort 3  – 6/18, 7/2, 7/16, 7/30, 8/13, & 8/27. Tuesdays 1-3 pm MT. 

 Cohort 4  – 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20, & 12/4. Wednesdays 1-3 pm MT.


Program Details

Session 1 – Confidence Management

Confidence management is about empowering your employees to do their best work.

Learning Outcomes: Assess how “ready” your employees are to perform their assigned tasks. Learn how to adopt the most effective management style to improve employee engagement and job satisfaction.

Session 2 – Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ) is the quality that makes us better at working with other humans. EQ accounts for 70% of managerial success and is a higher predictor of success than IQ.

Learning Outcomes: Understand what EQ is, why it matters, and how to assess your own EQ. Learn how to apply techniques to increase your score over time.

Session 3 – Dignified Conversations

Difficult conversations are part of every manager’s day. Strong communication skills and the ability to navigate these conversations are paramount to success.

Learning Outcomes: Learn to engage in conversations that are productive and that enhance the manager-employee relationship.

Session 4 – Goals, Gaps, and Guidance

Setting clear expectations and empowering employees helps them reach their highest potential. But what if things aren’t working out?

Learning Outcomes: Foster employee success by setting expectations, conducting checkpoints, and coaching them to grow. Employ alternative interventions when efforts aren’t working.

Session 5 – Hiring Great People Who Last

Bringing the right people onto your team will help the employees, team, company, and YOU succeed. Use best practices to hire the right people for the right positions.

Learning Outcomes: Find and hire the best people for your team. Develop great question writing, interviewing, and assessment skills.

Session 6 – Reality: Action and Life

Integrate all the skills you’ve learned into your daily management practices to address your company’s greatest needs.

Learning Outcomes: Apply your skills to daily practice.

Space is limited. Register today!
Investment: $1997 Per Person


“Really loved the series. It provided a great concise set of concepts and behaviors that someone in any stage of management could benefit from. The team did a great job presenting the ideas and are very engaging.”

— Eric H.


“I’m always so impressed after each Fast Track Management course with the practical applications that we are given that are both personal to our business, that can be carried out instantly. I feel like everyone from Turning the Corner really knows the business that we’re coming from and took the time to learn about us so that they could give us the best advice possible.”

— Stephanie P.

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