Crossroads Series

For Emerging Leaders and Team Leads to Reach their Full Potential

Is being a people manager the next step in your career?

Are you ready to uplevel your supervisory skills?

For Team Leads who don’t currently have direct reports, but have supervisory responsibilities, are lead shifts, and will probably be considered for a future “people management” position.
If you want to keep your shift/team leads engaged and on a career path to become a people manager with your company one day, this is the perfect training. Did you know that one of the top 3 reasons people quit is lack of career development and movement? Avoid this with your top performers that are on the road to managing others.

This class runs for 10 weeks, 1 hour every week.

Cohort 2 – 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10
Tuesdays 3-4 pm MT.

The Crossroads Series is for individual contributors that are shift leads, and have some supervision responsibilities but aren’t people managers YET. (For those that already have direct reports, the Fast Track Management Training Series is the better option.) Participants learn vital skills that are sure to enhance their ability to supervise others. Together, we will:

  • Discover how to better train people
  • Discuss how to supervise people that previously had the same title as you
  • Learn and practice how to ask for and give feedback
  • Explore tools for communicating in a kind and effective way
  • Uplevel your leadership skills by increasing your Emotional Intelligence
  • Uncover what it takes to be a successful people manager and assess if this path is for you
  • Create a career path that aligns with what you want
  • Discover how to be a greater asset to your manager

Program Details

Session 1: Set Yourself Up for Success

After setting the stage and meeting the others in class, we’ll explore the basic “dos and don’ts” when training new people and cover what to do when you are leading your friends (or people on the team that used to share the same title).


Session 2: Training New People 

Learn how to assess how “ready” your employees are to perform their assigned tasks, and how to employ the most effective training style to get the best results and highest engagement.  


Session 3: Feedback, part 1

Giving, receiving, and asking for feedback are important aspects for all people at work.  We will explore how to make feedback a normal part of your culture. 


Session 4: Tools for Communicating Successfully

There are specific tools that help people communicate with more ease and effectiveness. We’ll cover this and then practice utilizing the new communication tools. 


Session 5: Feedback, part 2

 In session 5 we are going to practice all things feedback. We’ll also discuss what kind of conversation to have when the feedback isn’t working and how to prepare for this. 


Session 6: Being a Leader

Studies show that people with higher EQ (Emotional Intelligence) are more successful in the workplace. In this class, we explore what Emotional Intelligence is, why it is essential, and the 4 main components: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationships. Participants will walk away with tangible ways to increase their EQ.


Session 7: Is Management for You
What does it take to be a successful manager and supervise a group of direct reports? We’ll explore this and then self-assess if this is something that you would like to pursue.


Session 8: Career and Professional Development

In this class, participants will create a career map and learn how to utilize SMARTER goals to ensure you reach your desired future. We’ll also explore how to best support your manager.


Session 9: Time Management and Attitude

Burnout is real. Let’s set ourselves up for success! In this class we’ll explore wellbeing, how one’s attitude impacts wellbeing, how and when to say no, and time management. 


Session 10: Moving Forward and Next Steps

We’ll explore any remaining questions, review material from the perspective of a new employee to a competent employee. Lastly, participants will take a survey and celebrate.


Ultimately, Crossroads is for employees who: 

  • Desire advancement and think being a people manager is their next step.
  • Are currently shift leads and have some supervisory responsibilities and want to learn, grow, and be promoted

Here’s what you get:

  • 10 zoom working sessions in a small class size so you can learn from the class members and bounce ideas off each other and your instructor
  • Class workbook, packed with information and self-reflection exercises
  • Fieldwork to be completed in between classes to help integrate information

Space is limited. Register today!
Investment: $1677 Per Person


“Really loved the series. It provided a great concise set of concepts and behaviors that someone in any stage of management could benefit from. The team did a great job presenting the ideas and are very engaging.”

— Eric H.


“I’m always so impressed after each Fast Track Management course with the practical applications that we are given that are both personal to our business, that can be carried out instantly. I feel like everyone from Turning the Corner really knows the business that we’re coming from and took the time to learn about us so that they could give us the best advice possible.”

— Stephanie P.


“The class was EXCELLENT! The books that were sent out to the students were spot on and easy to follow. They were exactly what they needed to be in relation to ease of use and reference.”

— Troy D.

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