Being Unapologetic About How Important Culture Is

Feb 21, 2023

We have always been accustomed to thinking that the most important thing for companies is to generate returns for their stakeholders. This cannot be further from the truth. Phil Tee, the CEO and co-founder of Moogsoft, has long believed that the single most important thing is the people in the business. In this episode, he joins Kendra Prospero to tell us why this is so. Be unapologetic about how important culture is. Dive into that in this conversation.
Company culture matters

We have always been accustomed to thinking that the most important thing for companies is to generate returns for their stakeholders. This cannot be further from the truth. Phil Tee, the CEO and co-founder of Moogsoft, has long believed that the single most important thing is the people in the business. In this episode, he joins Kendra Prospero to tell us why this is so. Be unapologetic about how important culture is. Dive into that in this conversation.

Company Culture Matters

Creating a successful work environment is all about listening to employees and creating an atmosphere that promotes transparency, celebrates successes, and creates a feeling of belonging. It is important to practice open, two-way communication to foster a healthy team dynamic and ensure everyone’s feedback is heard and valued. When leaders are transparent about the challenges in a company, creative solutions and ideas will flow from the team members because they are empowered by knowing exactly what needs to be done. Mystery does not empower employees and it does not make them feel included.

To start, it is essential to engage with employees by listening to their feedback and addressing any issues that need to be resolved. This reinforces the idea of a work environment that is open to suggestions and change when necessary. Through this process, everyone in the company can feel included and have their voices heard. When they feel included, they feel safe and supported, and that’s when innovation happens!

Treating people like adults and not children is an important factor in creating a positive work atmosphere. Ensuring that every employee is treated fairly and with respect will cause them to feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. An equitable environment breeds confidence in employees as well as enhances their motivation and morale.

Promoting transparency in communication is also essential to maintain a healthy team dynamic. Leaders should encourage open communication and discussion. The company should create policies that provide the space to foster conversations and bring up any issues that need to be addressed. In addition to consistent 1:1’s, establishing a forum, such as company-wide meetings or Q&A sessions, can be a great way to openly dialogue with employees.

Finally, it is important to acknowledge the successes achieved by employees, which can be done by celebrating accomplishments or having rewards for achieving higher goals. This will show employees that their achievements are valued and will encourage them further to keep striving for excellence and proactively solving problems.

By taking the time to listen to employees, creating a work environment that treats everyone like adults, promoting transparency, and celebrating successes, a company will create a winning company culture that will benefit everyone – including the bottom line.