Hello! I'm Heather
Julie Rosekrans TTC Manager Career Services

Heather Rene

Executive Assistant/Office Manager

Heather Rene has been a professional musician and educator for over 30 years. She has a vast experience in teaching, composing, directing and arranging.

In addition to her musical endeavors, Heather is an experienced executive assistant and office manager. She has an extensive background in administration, employee relations, and processes and procedures. She is highly organized and efficient, and her attention to detail and commitment to providing excellent customer service have been invaluable in her role at Turning The Corner.

Heather is avid for anything outdoors and when she’s not working you’ll find her on her paddleboard, river tube, mountain bike or skis. Living in Colorado is her dream come true!

From our desks to yours

Teaching People To Have a Job

Teaching People To Have a Job

I know you were a pain in the butt to manage when you were 22. We all were.  I have a somewhat controversial take on young people entering the workplace. It’s time to stop complaining about the younger generation and get real about our responsibilities as leaders. We have to teach people how to have a job, just like we were.  At one time in our lives, we were the new people in the workplace. We were the ones who needed to be taught how to have a job and be productive members of an organization. 

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